Religious Education in practice

Teaching Eucharist 

Huw Thomas, the Diocesan Director of Education for Sheffield Diocese, came to lead a Eucharist service for KS2 children. KS2 children enjoyed taking part in this service, learning about each part of the Eucharist and why it is important to Christians. Children were able to take part in the Eucharist or receive a blessing. 

Spirited Arts Competition 

Each year we take part in the NATRE Spirited Arts Competition, which allows children to choose a theme to produce their art work on. Children also write a commentary to explain how their work is linked to the world, a particular worldwide view or scripture. 

Open The bOOK

We enjoy  the Open The Book team from Epworth joining us for worship twice a month to tell us stories from the bible. 

Church Services

Our children take part in church services to celebrate the main Christian festivals including Harvest, Christingle, Easter and our Leavers service. 

Y6 Leavers

Our Year 6 leavers were presented with Bibles from the Huw Thomas from Sheffield Diocese. This year these were special Bibles as they were to commemorate the year King Charles' coronation. 

Easter Pause day

As one of our focus on faith days the children took part in an Easter Pause day using the Guildford Diocese resources. Each class looked at a different aspect of the Easter story through storytelling, drama, and art. Year 1 and 2 even got to taste hot cross buns!

Project Touchline

From September 2022 - November 2022 all children took part in Project touchline, an initiative to embed our values and vision through sport and worship. Children also had the opportunity to reflect on their journey through art work. Please see the above video to get a taste of what the children took part in.